Den 5. juni 2021 arrangeres igjen Annual Seminar of the Rotary Peace Centre ved Uppsala Universitet. Temaet denne gangen er "Power, Privilege, and Progress: Building Peace in the 21st Century". Man kan delta online via Zoom. Her er mer informasjon:Dear Sir/Madam,
We are pleased to invite you to the Annual Seminar of the Rotary Peace Center of Uppsala University, which will take place on June 5, 2021, 13.00-17.30 CET.
The title of this year's Annual Seminar is "Power, Privilege, and Progress: Building Peace in the 21st Century." Class XVIII Rotary Peace Fellows will present their research and share examples of their work for peace and positive change. We are excited to announce that the keynote speaker will be Assistant Professor Kanisha Bond who is known for her research on mobilization, institution-building, and radical socio-political groups. In line with this year's theme, Dr. Bond's will discuss the Black Lives Matter Movement. We are further honored to welcome Rotary International President Holger Knaack, who will deliver the closing remarks.
This year the event will take the format of a Zoom-webinar. Please register your (online-) participation, even if you have already confirmed your presence to the center staff. Registration may be completed online at:
Participation in the seminar is free of charge.
For questions, please contact Uppsala Rotary Peace Center's coordinator Chiara Tulp at
We hope you will be able to join us for this special event!
On behalf of the Uppsala Rotary Peace Center staff,
Kristine Eck
Director, Uppsala Rotary Peace Center
Uppsala, Sweden
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