Rotary kjempet mot polio med stor suksess. Nå engasjerer vi oss i kampen mot COVID-19.
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Dear club presidents,

In these difficult days, we are so heartened to receive such uplifting reports on the unrelenting efforts of our Rotary members who have responded in their communities against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Today, the single question we hear time and again is, "Are we getting involved with COVID vaccination?"

The answer is yes.

This does not mean we will deviate from our commitment to eradicating polio, which remains our highest priority and continues to be our only corporate program. Polio vaccinations must continue unabated, as must our effort to raise $50 million per year for this effort.

But now, COVID-19 vaccines are becoming available around the world, and our members have an important role to play.

We ask you to encourage your club to:
  • Use Rotary's knowledge of vaccine safety and efficacy based on our polio eradication experience to support vaccination efforts in your communities. This will need to be tailored to local contexts to address unique cultural and regional needs.
  • As vaccine distribution begins in your country, partner with local organizations or health authorities to offer your club's support with vaccination efforts as required.
  • Help combat the powerful, growing force of vaccine resistance and misinformation. Advocacy in our communities is critical — we need to spread the message about the power of vaccines to protect lives.
  • Stop the spread of COVID-19 by continuing to engage in projects supporting mask-wearing, distancing, proper hygiene practices, and donations of personal protective equipment — before and after vaccination. 
Please take a moment to view the above video message, and share with your networks. As your club gets involved with local vaccination or COVID-19 prevention efforts, please add your project on Rotary Showcase (please log in to My Rotary first, and navigate to Rotary Showcase).

We look forward to learning how your club is working to support vaccination efforts in order to bring the COVID-19 pandemic to an end.

Thank you.

Holger Knaack                                                                         K.R. Ravindran
President, Rotary International                                                Chair, The Rotary Foundation

CC: RI Board of Directors & Directors-elect, TRF Board of Trustees & incoming Trustees, District Governors, District Governors-elect, Rotary Coordinators, Rotary Public Image Coordinators, Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinators, International PolioPlus Committee, National PolioPlus Chairs


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